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Review: Supercharged Storytimes

Campana, Kathleen,  Mills, J. Elizabeth, & Ghoting, Saroj Nadkarni (2016). Supercharged Storytimes: An Early Literacy Planning and Assessment Guide. Chicago, IL: ALA editions. 184 pages. Tr. $55. ISBN: 978-0838913802

Research shows that library storytimes help to develop early literacy skills that prepare children to be successful readers. Furthermore, when librarians are intentional about planning and assessing the early literacy content in their storytimes, they demonstrably improve outcomes for the children who participate. The library profession now has data to back up these statements, because of the groundbreaking work of a research team led by Dr. Eliza T. Dresang at the University of Washington Information School (UW iSchool).

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Created by Lisa Taylor • Emporia State University •  829 Resources and Services for Early Learners • 2016

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